Station Name: Cerro de Piedra
4-Character ID: CPDR
Country: Mexico
Reported By: Feaux and Alvarado
Date: 23 SEP 98
Date Set: 23 SEP 98
Latitude: 16.77672 degrees N
Longitude: 99.62914 degrees W
Height: 37.2 m
Position Source: Garmit
Magnetic Declination: 7o East (Magnetic North is East of True North)
Declination Source: Declination as per USGS model IGRF-95, September 1998.
Site Topo: Carta Topografica 1:250000, Acapulco, E14-11
Other Maps: Carta Topografica 1:50000, San Marcos, E14C58
Site Owner: Private land, owner unknown. Permission obtained from the local sheriff, who knows
where the site is located.
Location: On a hill, above the town of Cerro de Piedra.
To Reach: 0.00 ---- From Acapulco, drive south-east on hwy 200 towards San Marcos to the
km 27 marker.
0.70 0.70 In the town of Cerro de Piedra, turn left (north) at a dirt road between a
kindergarten and the sheriff’s (mayor’s) building.
On foot, go north for about 75 meters, passing though the front yard of
one of several houses in the area. You will pass a fence on the north side
of these houses (back yard) where a faint trail will be found. Head
north-east on this path for about 30 meters and then north for about 20
meters, where the main mark will be found, set in a granite outcrop.
There are two reference marks, also set in bedrock, within 25 meters of
the main mark.
Main Station Mark: Stainless steel pin with center punch, inscription CPDR S, set in bedrock.
Reference Mark #1: Stainless steel pin with center punch, inscription CPDR RM1, set in bedrock.
Reference mark #1is located approximately 19 meters from the main mark at
60 degrees azimuth.
Reference Mark #2: Stainlesss steel pin with center punch, inscription CPDR RM2, set in bedrock.
Reference mark #2 is located aproximately 10 meters from the main mark at
280 degrees azimuth.
Geology: Granitic outcrop.
Comments: Telephone and access to a/c power can be found in the town of Cerro de Piedra. The
closest place for medical service and gasoline will be in Acapulco.
Hotels: Nearest lodging in Acapulco.