Station Name: Diamante 16
4-Character ID: DI16
Country: Mexico
Reported By: Feaux and Alvarado
Date: 21 SEP 98
Date Set: 21 SEP 98
Latitude: 16 54.2424’ N
Longitude: 99 45.7267’ W
Height: 59.1 m
Position Source: Trimble 4000 SSE
Magnetic Declination: 7o East (Magnetic North is East of True North)
Declination Source: Declination as per USGS model IGRF-95, September 1998.
Site Topo: Carta Topografica 1:250000, Acapulco, E14-11
Other Maps: Carta Topografica 1:50000, Acapulco, E14C57
Site Owner: Mexican government ownes the land. The point is located next to a house owned
by Senora Isabel.
Location: Directly off the Autopista Diamante near Los Playones de San Isidro.
To Reach: Driving either north or south on Autopista Diamante, go to km 16.5. There is a house
made of sticks and a turnout in the southbound lane. There is a piece of bedrock in this
turnout approximately 10 meters from the southbound lane.
The mark, with the inscription DI16 S, is set in this small piece of bedrock.
Main Station Mark: Stainless steel pin with center punch, inscription DI16 S, set in rock.
Reference Marks: None.
Geology: Road-cut in rock outcrop.
Comments: Nearest telephone, gas, and medical services located in the town of Acapulco. 2 wheel
drive vehicle is fine for reaching this site. Bring something (orange tape or plastic
cones) to keep cars from driving close to the site. The receiver can be run from your
car, if you bring the longer (15m or 30m) antenna cable.
Hotels: Nearest lodging in Acapulco.