Station Name: Estacion Microbandas
4-Character ID: EMU1
Country: Mexico
Reported By: Feaux and Alvarado
Date: 29 SEP 98
Date Set: 29 SEP 98
Latitude: 17 30’ 32.655514" N
Longitude: 101 15’ 50.70622" W
Height: 34.6 m
Position Source: Trimble 4000 SSE
Magnetic Declination: 7o East (Magnetic North is East of True North)
Declination Source: Declination as per USGS model IGRF-95, September 1998.
Site Topo: Carta Topografica 1:250000, Zihuatanejo, E14-7-10
Other Maps: Carta Topografica 1:50000, Papanoa, E14C33
Site Owner: Joel GaleanaNeed address and phone number
Location: On the ranch of Joel Galeana, outside the town of Petatlan.
To Reach: 0.00 ---- From Zihuataneja, drive south on hwy 200 past the town of
Petatlan to the km 204 marker.
1.70 1.70 Turn right (west) at a dirt road which goes towards a microwave
antenna station. This road will be about 150 meters passed a road sign
which says:

2.20 0.50 Enter into a garbage dump. Turn right (west) at a faint road with a locked
gate. Make arrangements with owner to gain access to this property.
2.40 0.20 Continue on this faint road. In the rainy season the road will become
washed out and impassable at a small creek after about 200 meters. Park
the vehicle and walk to the point from this spot.
The mark is located on top of the hill (with many boulders visible)
approximately 350 meters to the west of this parking area. Continue W
on foot to a fence line that runs generally N-S and is located to the east of
the hill. Then walk south along this fence line past a gate to the west
side of the hill. A house and corral will become visible. The hill is most
easily climbed from its western side. Pick the best way. From the
summit rocks, the main mark is located approximately 50 meters from the summit at 160 degrees azimuth. From the summit rocks, the
reference mark is located approximately 65 meters away. The reference
mark is located approximately 25 meters from the main mark at 192
degrees azimuth.
Main Station Mark: Stainless steel pin with center punch, labeled EMU1 S, set in bedrock.
Reference Mark #1: Stainless steel pin with center punch, labeled EMU1 RM1, set in bedrock.
The reference mark is located approximately 25 meters away from the main
mark at 192 degrees azimuth.
Geology: Granitic outcrop.
Comments: Access to a/c power and telephone can be found in the town of Petatlan.
Gasoline can be found in Zihuatanejo. The closest place for medical service is
Hotels: Nearest lodging in Zihuatanejo.