Station Name: San Marcos
4-Character ID: SANM
Country: Mexico
Reported By: Feaux and Alvarado
Date: 22 SEP 98
Mark Set By: UNAM
Date Set: Set by Osvaldo Sanchez in 1992
Latitude: 16 47’ 22.34313" N
Longitude: 99 23’ 06.13586" W
Height: 131.6 m
Position Source: Trimble 4000 SSE
Magnetic Declination: 7o East (Magnetic North is East of True North)
Declination Source: Declination as per USGS model IGRF-95, September 1998.
Site Topo: Carta Topografica 1:250000, Acapulco, E14-11
Other Maps: Carta Topografica 1:50000, San Marcos, E14C58
Site Owner: Mexican Government
Location: On a hill above a white house on the outskirts of the village of San Marcos.
To Reach: From Acapulco, drive south-east on hwy 200 to the town of San Marcos.
0.00 -- Turn right (south) at a dirt road past the San Marcos bus station on the
south side of the highway.
0.35 0.35 Turn left (east) at store called El Gaby.
0.75 0.40 Park at the end of the road, next to a white house. The road turns into a trail, which continues east past some stick houses and leads to a hill
with several large boulders and a bedrock outcrop.
The mark is located in a rock outcrop on top of the small hill,
approximately 25 meters south-east of the parking area. The mark is
NOT located on one of the large boulders. Instead, the mark is located in
a piece of bedrock close to the ground, making it more difficult to find.
Main Station Mark: Stainless steel pin with center punch, no inscription, set in bedrock.
Reference Marks: None.
Geology: Granitic outcrop.
Comments: Nearest telephone, gas, and limited medical services located in the town of San
Marcos. A 2 wheel drive vehicle is fine for reaching this site. Bring a machete to this
site, to clear away vegetation around the mark.
Hotels: Nearest lodging in Acapulco.