(IGEF UNAM, Colorado University, UNAVCO)

Latitude:    17:02'54.68" N  (+17.0485) 
Longitude:   100:16'02.06" W (-100.2672)

H: 25.97 m

 Location on the map
CAIG log file
Station horizon mask

UNAVCO CAYA Boulder Facility Archive
Data Plot
other Cayaco GPS web page





Cayaco GPS. View to the South



    This continuous GPS station in the Guerrero state, Mexico has been installed January 9, 1997 by Roger Bilham and Vladimir Kostoglodov at the BB seismic station CAIG of the Servicio Sismológico Nacional, IGF UNAM. The GPS data is analyzed every 30-35 days and plotted as a continuous record by Kristine Larson.
    The study is the first stage of a joint collaboration between the IGF UNAM and CU, GPS groups.