- Cruz-Atienza V. M., Allen Husker, Carlos Villafuerte, Emmanuel Caballero, Denis Legrand and Vladimir Kostoglodov. Nonvolcanic Tremors and Intraslab Fluid Migration in Guerrero, Mexico, During Slow Slip Transients, Abstract S53C-4522, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec, 2014.
- John Díaz-Mojica, Víctor M. Cruz-Atienza, Raúl Madariaga,
Shri K. Singh, Josué Tago and Arturo Iglesias. Dynamic Source Inversion of an Intraslab Earthquake: a Slow and Inefficient Rupture with Large Stress Drop and Radiated Energy. Abstract S53B-4503, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec, 2014.
- Villafuerte, C. and V. M. Cruz-Atienza. Intraslab Fluid Migration During Slow Slip Earthquakes and Nonvolcanic Tremors in Guerrero, Mexico. Abstract 25417, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec, 2014.
- Maufroy, E., F. Cotton, V. M. Cruz-Atienza, S. Gaffet. Frequency-Scaled Curvature as a Proxy for Topographic Site-Effect Amplification and Ground-Motion Variability. Abstract S12A-05, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec, 2014.
- Reyes Alfaro, G., V. M. Cruz-Atienza, X. Perez-Campos and G. Reyes. Receiver Function Imaging of Crustal and Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Jalisco Block and Western Michoacan, Mexico. Abstract S23C-4553, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec, 2014.
- Cruz-Atienza, V. M., Allen Husker, Carlos Villafuerte, Emmanuel Caballero, Denis Legrand and Vladimir Kostoglodov. Nonvolcanic Tremors and Intraslab
Fluid Migration in Guerrero, Mexico,
During Slow Slip Transients, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); Geos, Vol. 34, Resumen 0274; 2014.
- Ito, Yoshihiro and V. M. Cruz-Atienza. An Ocean-Bottom Geodetic and Seismic Network for Assessing the Megaearthquake and Tsunami Hazard Potentials Along the Mexican Subduction Zone, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); Geos, Vol. 34, Resumen 0251; 2014.
- Spica, Z. Gabriel, V. M. Cruz-Atienza, Reyes-Alfaro, Denis Legrand, Arturo IglesiasCrustal Imaging Of Western-Michoacan And The Jalisco Block, Mexico, From Ambient Seismic Noise, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); Geos, Vol. 34, Resumen 0672; 2014.
- Hjörleifsdóttir, V., S. K. Singh and V. M. Cruz-Atienza. Slip distribution of the April 18th, 2014, Mw 7.2, Papanoa earthquake and it’s relation to those of previous events in the region, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); Geos, Vol. 34, Resumen 0806; 2014.
- UNAM Seismology Group. A Preliminary Study of Papanoa, Guerrero earthquake of 18 April, 2014 (Mw7.2), Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); Geos, Vol. 34, Resumen 0724; 2014.
- Husker, A., W. Frank, V. Kostoglodov, G. Gonzalez, N. Shapiro and V. M. Cruz-Atienza. An Overview of Non-Volcanic Tremor and New Findings from Low Frequency Earthquakes in Guerrero, Mexico, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); Geos, Vol. 34, Resumen 0737; 2014.
- Flores Ibarra, K., V. Hjörleifsdóttir and V. M. Cruz-Atienza. Comparación cuantitativa de modelos existentes para propagación de ondas sísmicas en el territorio mexicano, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); Geos, Vol. 34, Resumen 0701; 2014.
- Departamento de Sismología, UNAM. Red De Asistencia Para Emergencias Sismicas – RAES, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); Geos, Vol. 34, Resumen 0717; 2014.
- Cruz-Atienza, V. M., J. D. Sanabria, J. Tago, E. Chaljub and J. Virieux. Surface-Wave Propagation Modes in the Valley of Mexico: Insights from Realistic 3D Earthquake Simulations, 30th IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics; Mérida, Yucatán, 2014 (invited).
- Husker, A. L., V. Kostoglodov, V. M. Cruz-Atienza, G. Gonzalez-Molina, Detailed analysis of non-volcanic tremor (NVT) and slow slip events (SSE) in Guerrero, Mexico reveals: (1) Up-dip low energy NVT associated with large (M>7) SSE; (2) Down-dip high energy NVT associated with small SSE; and (3) Continuous low energy NVT in the Mexican Sweet Spot, Abstract S41B-2423, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, Calif., 9-14 Dec 2013.
- Perez-Campos, X., S.K. Singh, D. Melgar, V.M. Cruz Atienza, A. Iglesias, A. Hjorleifsdottir, Rapid estimation of fault parameters for tsunami warning along the Mexican subduction zone based on real-time GPS (Invited), Abstract G51B-07, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, Calif., 9-14, 2013.
- Cruz-Atienza, V. M., A. Husker, D. Legrand, V. Kostoglodov, Energy-based location and wavefield polarization analysis of tectonic tremors and LFEs in central Mexico, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); Geos, Vol. 33, No. 1, p. 252; 2013.
- Sanabria, J. D., V. M. Cruz-Atienza, J. Tago, E. Chaljub, V. Etienne, J. Virieux, Simulación tridimensional de terremotos en el Valle de México, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); Geos, Vol. 33, No. 1, p. 147; 2013.
- Rocher, A., V. M. Curz-Atienza, V. Hjörleifsdóttir, A. Iglesias Mendoza, J. D. Sanabria Gómez, Determinación de un modelo de velocidades en la parte central de México a artir de las propiedades dispersivas de un medio laterlamente heterogéneo, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); Geos, Vol. 33, No. 1, p. 149; 2013.
- Villafuerte, C. D., V. M. Cruz-Atienza, Difusión de fluidos en la placa de Cocos inducida por la deformación cuasiestática de sismos silenciosos en Guerrero, México, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); Geos, Vol. 33, No. 1, p. 253; 2013.
- Singh, S.K., X. Pérez-Campos, V. H. Espíndola Castro, V. M. Cruz-Atienza, A. Iglesias Mendoza, Instraslab earthquake of June 2013 (Mw5.9), one of the closest such events to Mexico City, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); Geos, Vol. 33, No. 1, p. 146, 2013.
- Flores Ibarra, K., V. Hjörleifsdóttir, V. M. Cruz-Atienza, Cuantificación de la calidad de modelos existentes para propagación de ondas sísmicas en el territorio mexicano, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); Geos, Vol. 33, No. 1, p. 149; 2013.
- Cruz-Atienza, V. M., A. Husker, D. Legrand, V. Kostoglodov, Energy-based Location and Wavefield Polarization Analysis of Tectonic Tremors in Central Mexico, American Geophysical Union, Meeting of the Americas, Cancun, S22A-05, 2013.
- Díaz-Mojica, John, Víctor M. Cruz-Atienza, Madariaga Raúl Singh Shri y Iglesias Arturo. Dynamic Source Inversion of a M6.5 Intraslab Earthquake in Mexico: Application of a New Parallel Genetic Algorithm. American Geophysical Union, Meeting of the Americas, Cancun, S31B-07, 2013.
- Hjörleifsdóttir, V., E. A. Solano, O. de la Vega, V. M. Cruz-Atienza, A. Iglesias. Examples of the use of computational seismology in observational seismology. HPC-GA Project Workshop, Bilbao, Spain. March, 2013.
- Tago, J., V. M. Cruz-Atienza, E. Chaljub, V. Etienne, S. Day and J. Virieux. Modeling Earthquake Dynamics in Realistic 3D Media with an hp-Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Method. HPC-GA Project Workshop, Bilbao, Spain. March, 2013.
- Cruz-Atienza, V. M., J. D. Sanabria, J. Tago, V. Etienne, V. Hjörleifsdóttir, J. Virieux and E. Chaljub. Toward Physics-Based Earthquake Modelling for Hazard Assessment. HPC-GA Project Workshop, Bilbao, Spain. March, 2013.
- Domínguez, Luis A., Allen L Husker, Jesse F Lawrence, Victor M. Cruz-Atienza, Carlos M Valdes-Gonzales, Elizabeth S Cochran. Deployment and Earthquake Scenarios for the QCN in Mexico. American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU,
93, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S21A-2432, 2012.
- Cruz-Atienza Víctor M., Rivet Diane, Husker Allen, Campillo Michel, Legrand Denis y Kostoglodov Vladimir. Middle Crust Tectonic Tremor Driven by Silent-Earthquakes Water Pumping and Nonlinear Strain. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 32, No. 1, p. 178, Noviembre, 2012.
- Díaz Mojica John Jairo, Víctor M. Cruz-Atienza, Madariaga Raúl Singh Shri y Iglesias Arturo. Dynamic Source Inversion of a M6.6 Intraslab Earthquake in Mexico: Application of a New Parallel Genetic Algorithm. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 32, No. 1, p. 150, Noviembre, 2012.
- Tago Pacheco Josué, Víctor M. Cruz-Atienza, Emmanuel Chaljub, Vincent Etienne, Steven Day, Jean Virieux and Francisco Sánchez-Sesma. Modeling Earthquake Dynamics in Realistic 3D Media with an hp-Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Method: Toward Physics Based Seismic Hazard Assessment. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 32, No. 1, p. 118, Noviembre, 2012.
- Rocher Ana, Víctor M. Cruz-Atienza y Hjorleifsdottir Vala. Integración Y Evaluación De Un Modelo Cortical De Velocidades Para El Modelado De Movimientos Fuertes En La Parte Central De México. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 32, No. 1, p. 123, Noviembre, 2012.
- Husker Allen, Kostoglodov Vladimir, Cruz-Atienza, Victor, Legrand Denis, Shapiro Nikolai y Campillo Michel. Analysis Of Two Distinct Groups Of Non-Volcanic Tremor (NVT) In Mexico, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 32, No. 1, p. 124, Noviembre, 2012.
- Singh, S. K., UNAM Seismology Gropu, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapozalco, Seismological Laboratory, Guerrero-Oaxaca, Mexico earthquake of March 20, 2012 (Mw7.4): An overview, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); GEOS, Vol. 32, No. 1, p. 262; 2012.
- Husker, A., L. A. Domínguez Rodríguez, J. Lawrence, V. Cruz-Atienza, C. Valdés González, E. Cochran, El despliegue de la red de atrapa sismos y la prueba de terremotos grandes en Mexico, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM); GEOS, Vol. 32, No. 1, p. 128; 2012.
- Pérez-Campos, X., S. K. Singh, V. M. Cruz-Atienza, D. Melgar Moctezuma, A. Iglesias Mendoza, V. Hjorleifsdottir, Determination of tsunamigentic potential of a scenario earthquake in the Guerrero seismic gap along the Mexican subduction zone, Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting; San Diego, California; USA, 17-19 de abril de 2012.
- Tago Josue; Víctor M. Cruz-Atienza; Jean Virieux; Vincent Etienne; Francisco J. Sánchez-Sesma. DGCrack: a 3D hp-Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Modeling Earthquake Dynamics. SCEC Code Comparison Workshop, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, 2012 (invited).
- Cruz-Atienza Victor M.; Diane N. Rivet; Vladimir Kostoglodov; Allen L. Husker; Denis Legrand; Michel Campillo. Toward a Unified Theory of Silent Seismicity in Central Mexico. American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU,
92, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S23B-2264, 2011.
- Tago Josue; Victor M. Cruz-Atienza; Jean Virieux; Vincent Etienne; Francisco J.
Sánchez-Sesma. A 3D hp-Adaptative Discontinuous Galerkin Method: Revisiting the M7.3 Landers Earthquake Dynamics. American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU,
92, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S43C-2263, 2011.
- Husker Allen L.; Vladimir Kostoglodov; Victor M. Cruz-Atienza; Denis Legrand; Nikolai M. Shapiro; Juan S. Payero; Michel Campillo; Eduardo Huesca-Perez. Temporal variations of non-volcanic tremor (NVT) locations in the Mexican subduction zone: finding the NVT sweet spot. American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU,
92, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S23B-2263, 2011.
- Hjorleifsdottir Vala; Xyoli Perez-Campos; Arturo Iglesias; Victor Cruz-Atienza; Chen Ji; Denis Legrand; Allen L. Husker; Vladimir Kostoglodov; Carlos Valdes Gonzalez. Recovering the slip history of a scenario earthquake in the Mexican subduction zone. American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU,
92, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S43C-2250, 2011.
- Kostoglodov Vladimir; Dimitri Zigone; Allen L. Husker; Michel Campillo; Diane N. Rivet; Nikolai M. Shapiro; Mathilde Radiguet; William Frank; Gregor Hillers; Nathalie Cotte; Glenn Cougoulat; Juan S. Payero; Victor Cruz-Atienza. New Results of Studies of Slow Slip Events and Nonvolcanic Tremor in the Guerrero Seismic Gap, Mexico (G-GAP project). American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU,
92, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S31G-08, 2011.
- Cruz-Atienza Víctor M., Rivet Diane, Kostoglodov Vladimir, Husker Allen, Legrand Denis y Campillo Michel. Causal Relationships In Silent Seismicity Of Central Mexico. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 31, No. 1, p. 178, Noviembre, 2011.
- Cruz-Atienza Víctor M., Legrand Denis, Kostoglodov Vladimir y Husker Allen. A New Location Technique For Non Volcanic
Tremors And Low Frequency Earthquakes. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 31, No. 1, p. 180, Noviembre, 2011.
- Cruz-Atienza Víctor M., Hjorleifsdottir Vala y Rocher Ana. Simulando un M8.2 en la brecha de Guerrero. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 31, No. 1, p. 150, Noviembre, 2011.
- Tago Pacheco Josué, Cruz-Atienza Víctor M., Virieux
Jean, Etienne Vincent y Sánchez Sesma Francisco José. A 3d Hp-Discontinuous Galerkin Method: Revisiting The M7.3 Landers Earthquake Dynamics. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 31, No. 1, p. 118, Noviembre, 2011.
- Díaz Mojica John Jairo, Cruz-Atienza Víctor M., Madariaga Raúl y Ruiz Sergio. Inversión De La Dinámica De Sismos Mexicanos. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 31, No. 1, p. 150, Noviembre, 2011.
- Rocher Ana, Cruz-Atienza Víctor M., Hjorleifsdottir Vala y Singh Shri Krishna. Integración Y Evaluación De Un Modelo Cortical De Velocidades Para El Modelado De Movimientos Fuertes En La Parte Central De México. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 31, No. 1, p. 123, Noviembre, 2011.
- Husker Allen, Kostoglodov Vladimir, Cruz-Atienza Víctor M., Legrand Denis, Shapiro Nikolai, Huesca Pérez Eduardo, Campillo Michel y Payero De Jesús Juan Silvestre. Temporal Variations Of Non-Volcanic Tremor (Nvt) Locations In The Mexican Subduction Zone: Finding The Nvt Sweet Spot. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 31, No. 1, p. 178, Noviembre, 2011.
- Rivet Diane, Zigone Dimitri, Campillo Michel, Cruz-Atienza Víctor M., Radiguet Mathilde, Shapiro Nikolai y Husker Allen. Complex Relations Between Slow Slip Events, Non-Volcanic Tremors, And Seismic Wave Velocity Changes In Guerrero Mexico. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 31, No. 1, p. 180, Noviembre, 2011.
- Hjorleifsdottir Vala, Pérez-Campos Xyoli, Iglesias Mendoza Arturo, Cruz-Atienza Víctor M., Husker Allen y Legrand Denis. Proyecto Para La Preparación De La Respuesta Ante Un Gran Terremoto En México: Introducción e Invitación. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 31, No. 1, p. 150, Noviembre, 2011.
- Hjorleifsdottir Vala, Pérez-Campos Xyoli, Iglesias Mendoza Arturo, Cruz-Atienza Víctor M., Ji Chen, Legrand Denis, Husker Allen, Kostoglodov Vladimir Y Valdés González Carlos. Recuperación De La Historia De Deslizamiento De Un Terremoto De Escenario En La Zona De Subducción Mexicana. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 31, No. 1, p. 151, Noviembre, 2011.
- Pérez-Campos Xyoli, Singh Shri Krishna, Iglesias Mendoza Arturo, Melgar Moctezuma Diego, Hjorleifsdottir Vala y Cruz-Atienza Víctor M. Determinando El Potencial Tsunamigénico De Un Supuesto Sismo En Las Costas De Guerrero. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 31, No. 1, p. 151, Noviembre, 2011.
- Vera Padilla Gabriela Berenice, Iglesias Mendoza Arturo, Legrand Denis, Cruz-Atienza Víctor M. y Singh Shri Krishna. Analysis Of Green Functions Obtained By Cross Correlations For Mase Stations. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 31, No. 1, p. 181, Noviembre, 2011.
- Legrand Denis, Iglesias Mendoza Arturo, Husker Allen, Pérez-Campos Xyoli, Valenzuela Wong Raúl, Cruz-Atienza Víctor M., Valdés González
Carlos, Sánchez Osvaldo, Hjorleifsdottir Vala y Group Student. Creation Of An Aftershock Group In Order To Record And
Process Aftershocks Of A Potential Mexican Earthquake. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 31, No. 1, p. 152, Noviembre, 2011.
- Rivet, D., Radiguet, M., Campillo, M., Shapiro, M., Cruz-Atienza, V., Cotte, N., Kostoglodov, V., G-Gap team. Slow Slip, Speed Change And Tslow Slip, Speed Change And Tremors In The Guerrero Gap. Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, Memphis, Tennessee, USA, April 13–15, 2011.
- Tago J., V.M. Cruz-Atienza, V. Etienne, J. Virieux and F.J. Sánchez-Sesma. Galerkin Discontinuo para la dinámica de la ruptura sísmica, 1° Metropolitan Congress of Modeling and Numerical Simulation, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, Mexico, D.F., May 25 – 27, 2011.
- Tago J., V.M. Cruz-Atienza, V. Etienne, J. Virieux, F.J. Sánchez-Sesma and E. Chaljub, Galerkin Discontinuo para la propagación de ondas elásticas, 1° Metropolitan Congress of Modeling and Numerical Simulation, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, Mexico, D.F., May 25 – 27, 2011.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M. and K.B. Olsen. Supershear mach-waves expose the fault
breakdown slip. American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU,
91, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S43A-2053, 2010.
- Tago Pacheco J., Cruz-Atienza V. M., Etienne
V., Virieux J., E. Chaljub, M. Benjemaa and Sánchez Sesma F. J. 3D dynamic rupture with anelastic wave propagation using an hp-adaptive
Discontinuous Galerkin method. American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU,
91, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S51A-1915, 2010.
- Rivet D. N., M. Campillo, N. M. Shapiro, V. M. Cruz-Atienza, M. Radiguet, N. Cotteand V.
Kostoglodov. Probing deformation at depth using passive seismology: case of the Mexico 2006 slow
slip event. American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU,
91, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S12A-01, 2010.
- Harris R.A. et al., The SCEC-USGS Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Code Verification Exercise: Regular and
Extreme Ground Motion. American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU,
91, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S41D-04, 2010.
- Cruz-Atienza V. M., Rivet D., Kostoglodov
V., Campillo M. and Shapiro Nikolai. Seismic Velocity Dependence On Crustal Effective Stresses During The 2006 Slow Slip Event, Mexico. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 89, Noviembre, 2010.
- Tago Pacheco J., Cruz-Atienza V. M., Etienne
V., Virieux J. and Sánchez Sesma F. J.. Anelastic Wave Propagation With A Discontinuous Galerkin Method: An Unstructured Multiprocessor Solver. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 92, Noviembre, 2010.
- Díaz Mojica John J., Cruz-Atienza Víctor M., Madariaga Raúl y Ruíz Tapia Sergio A. Modelado De La Dinámica De La Fuente Sísmica: Parametrización Del Problema Inverso Con Métodos De Optimización Global. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 91, Noviembre, 2010.
- Cruz-Atienza V. M. and K. B. Olsen.
Supershear mach-waves expose the fault
breakdown slip. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 89, Noviembre, 2010.
- Rocher Maliachi A., Cruz-Atienza V. M. and Rivet D.. Integración Y Validación De Un Modelo Cortical De Velocidades Para La Propagación De Ondas Sísmicas En La Parte Central De México. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM), Geos, Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 98, Noviembre, 2010.
- Cruz-Atienza V. M. and K. B. Olsen. Supershear Mach-Waves Expose the Fault Breakdown Slip. 7th ACES International Workshop, Otaru, Japan, October 3-8, 2010.
- Harris R.A., M. Barall, R. Archuleta, B. Aagaard, J.-P. Ampuero, D.J. Andrews, V. Cruz-Atienza, L. Dalguer, S. Day, B. Duan, E. Dunham, G. Ely, A. Gabriel, Y. Kaneko, Y. Kase, N. Lapusta, S. Ma, H. Noda, D. Oglesby, K. Olsen, D. Roten, and S. Song. The SCEC-USGS Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Code Verification Exercise: Regular and Extreme Ground Motion. Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Spring, California, USA, September 11-15, 2010.
- Maufroy E., V. Cruz-Atienza, V. Etienne, S. Gaffet. Benefits of a statistical spectral ratio approach for 3D topographic site effect assessment. European Seismological Commission, Montpellier, France, September 6-10, 2010.
- Husker A., E. Huesca, X. Novo, V. Kostoglodov, J. Payero, V. Cruz-Atienza, N. Shapiro. Low Frequency Earthquake (LFE) detection techniques produce false detections within Non-Volcanic Tremors (NVT) confining NVT to the deep LFE zone in Japan, but in Mexico NVT are located in both the upper and lower crust using standard location techniques. European Seismological Commission, Montpellier, France, September 6-10, 2010.
- Cruz-Atienza V. M. and K. B. Olsen.
Supershear mach-waves expose the fault
breakdown slip. Earthquake Source Dynamics: Data and Data-constrained Numerical Modeling Workshop, Smolenice Castle, Slovak Republic, June 27 – July 1, 2010.
- Tago J., V.M. Cruz-Atienza, V. Etienne, J. Virieux and F.J. Sánchez-
Sesma, Modeling viscoelastic waves with a Discontinuous Galerkin method, 1° Workshop on Numerical Simulation, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, Mexico, D.F., May 11 – 12, 2010.
- Harris, R. et al., The SCEC-USGS Rupture Dynamics Code Comparison Exercise. Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA, April 21–23, 2010.
- Roten, D., Olsen, K.B., Pechmann, J.C., V.M. Cruz-Atienza, And Magistrale, H., Ground Motion Predictions from 0-10 Hz for M7 Earthquakes on the Salt Lake City Segment of the Wasatch Fault, Utah. Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA, April 21–23, 2010.
- Rivet D. N., M. Campillo, N. M. Shapiro, S. K. Singh, V. M. Cruz-Atienza. Studying propagation of seismic waves across the Valley of Mexico from correlations of
seismic noise. G-Gap project workshop, March 8-12, Beaune, France, 2010.
- Rivet D. N., M. Campillo, N. M. Shapiro, S. K. Singh, V. M. Cruz-Atienza, L. Quintanar, C.
Valdés. Studying propagation of seismic waves across the Valley of Mexico from correlations of
seismic noise. American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU,
90, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S41C-1948, 2009.
- Roten D., K. B. Olsen, V. M. Cruz-Atienza, J. C. Pechmann, H. W. Magistrale. 3-D ground motion modeling for M7 dynamic rupture earthquake scenarios on the Wasatch fault, Utah. American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU,
90, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S42B-07, 2009.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M., K.B. Olsen and L.A. Dalguer. Estimation of the Breakdown Slip Directly from Near-Fault Strong Motion Seismograms? Insights from Numerical Experiments. Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, Monterey, California, USA, April 8-10, 2009. (Invited)
- Roten, D., K.B. Olsen, H. Magistrale, J.C. Pechmann and V.M. Cruz-Atienza. 3-D Ground Motion Modeling for M7 Dynamic Rupture Earthquake Scenarios on the Wasatch Fault, Utah. Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, Monterey, California, USA, April 8-10, 2009.
- Harris A., M. Barall, R. Archuleta,
B. Aagaard, J.-P. Ampuero, D.J. Andrews, V. Cruz-Atienza, L. Dalguer, S. Day, B. Duan,
E. Dunham, G. Ely, Y. Kankeo, Y. Kase, N. Lapusta,
Y. Liu, S. Ma, D. Oglesby, K. Olsen, A. Pitarka, S. Song, E. Templeton.
The SCEC-USGS Rupture Dynamics Code Comparison Exercise. Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, Monterey, California, USA, April 8-10, 2009.
- Maufroy E., Gaffet S., Cruz-Atienza V.M., Operto S., 2009, 3D
calculation of seismic wave interaction with topography and
near-surface structures at the LSBB Underground Laboratory, Rustrel,
France, Provence 2009 International Conference, Aix-en-Provence,
France, 2009.
- Maufroy, E, S. Gaffet, S. Operto, V.M. Cruz-Atienza, G. Senechal, M. Dietrich, H. Zeyen. 3D Calculation of Seismic Wave Interaction with Topography and Near-surface Structures at the LSBB Underground Laboratory, Rustrel, France. American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU,
89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NS53A-1210, 2008.
- Roten, D., K.B. Olse, J.C. Pechmann, V.M. Cruz-Atienza, H. Magistrale. 3-D Ground Motion Modeling for M7 Dynamic Rupture Earthquake Scenarios on the Wasatch Fault, Utah. American Geophysical Union, Eos Trans. AGU,
89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S51D-1801, 2008.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M. and J. Virieux. Modelling Some Effects of Fault Geometry on Rupture Dynamics. Geos, V.28, Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) , Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 2008.
- Maufroy E., V.M. Cruz-Atienza, S. Operto, O. Sardou, G. Sénéchal, M. Dietrich, and S. Gaffet. Modelisation of Topographic site effect 3D at the Low Noise Underground Laboratory (LSBB), Rustrel, France. 14e World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 12-17 Octuber, Beijing, China, 2008. (Extended Abstract)
- Dalguer L.A., S.M. Day, K. Olsen and V.M. Cruz-Atienza.
Rupture models and ground motion for Shakeout and other southern San Andreas fault scenarios. 14e World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 12-17 Octuber, Beijing, China, 2008. (Extended Abstract)
- Olsen, K.B., S.M. Day, L.A. Dalguer, J. Mayhew, Y. Cui, J. Zhu, V.M. Cruz-Atienza, D. Roten, P. Maechling, T.H. Jordan, D. Okaya, and A. Chourasia. ShakeOut-D: Ground Motion 1 Estimates Using an Ensemble of Large Earthquakes on the Southern San Andreas Fault With Spontaneous Rupture Propagation. Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Spring, California, USA, September 6-11, 2008.
- Maufroy E., Operto S., Cruz-Atienza V.M., Sardou O., Sénéchal G.,
Zeyen H., Dietrich M., Boyer D., and Gaffet S., Seismic imaging
for topographic site effect modeling at the Low Noise Underground
Laboratory (LSBB), Rustrel, France, Interdisciplinary Deep Underground
Science and Technology Meeting, Apt, France, 2008.
- Dalguer L.A., S. M. Day, K. Olsen, V.M. Cruz-Atienza, Y. Cui, J. Zhu, A. Gritz, D. Okaya and P. Maechling. Implications of the ShakeOut Source Description for Rupture Complexity and Near-
Source Ground Motion. Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Spring, California, USA, September 6-11, 2008.
- Harris A., M. Barall, R. Archuleta,
B. Aagaard, J.-P. Ampuero, D.J. Andrews, V. Cruz-Atienza, L. Dalguer, S. Day, B. Duan,
E. Dunham, G. Ely, Y. Kankeo, Y. Kase, N. Lapusta,
Y. Liu, S. Ma, D. Oglesby, K. Olsen, A. Pitarka, S. Song, E. Templeton. The SCEC/USGS 3D Rupture Dynamics Code Comparison Exercise. Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Spring, California, USA, September 6-11, 2008.
- Mellors R, V.M. Cruz-Atienza, A. Aulia and Z. Kalmetyeva. Modeling the 2006 Kochkor, Kyrgyzstan earthquake and waverform propagation in the northern Tien Shan, Fourth International Symposium "Geodynamics of
Intracontinental Orogens and Geoecological Problems", Bishkek, Kyrgzystan, 15-23 June, 2008.
- 3D Dynamic Code Validation and Dynamic Faulting Parameters Workshops, Southern California Earthquake Center, 10 - 11 March, Pomona, California, USA, 2008.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M., Kim B. Olsen and Luís A. Dalguer.
Direct measurement of the breakdown slip from near-fault strong motion data, American Geophysical Union, 88, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract
S21B-0575, 2007.
- Benjemaa M, N. Glinsky-Olivier, V.M. Cruz-Atienza, J. Virieux. 3D dynamc crack rupture by a finite volume method, American Geophysical Union , 88, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract
S21B-0576, 2007.
- Cui Y, Moore R, Olsen K, Zhu J, Dalguer L A, Day S, V.M. Cruz-Atienza, Maechling P, Jordan T. Mapping PetaSHA Applications to TeraGrid Architectures, American Geophysical Union , 88, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN21B-0483, 2007.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M. and J. Virieux,
Effects of fault geometry on rupture dynamics, CIG/SPICE/ IRIS/USAF Computational Seismology Workshop, Jackson, NH, USA, 2007. (Invited)
- Cruz-Atienza V.M., Kim B. Olsen and Luís A. Dalguer,
Direct measurement of Dc from near-fault strong motion, Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Spring, California, USA, 2007.
- Dalguer Luís, Steven Day, Kim B. Olsen, V.M. Cruz-Atienza,
Yifeng Cui, Jing Zhu, Otilio Rojas, Andrew Gritz, David Okaya and Philip Maechling. DynaShake platform and dynamic source models for the southern San Andreas Fault ShakeOut scenario, Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Spring, California, USA, 2007.
- Delouis B., M. Vallée and V.M. Cruz-Atienza, The Mw=6.3 Saintes earthquake (West Indies) : source kinematics determination and uncertainties in a poorly
known crustal structure, Geophys. Res. Abs., V.9, 10050, European Geosciences Union , Vienna, Austria, 2007.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M., J. Virieux,
Carine Khors-Sansorny,
O. Sardou, S. Gaffet and M. Vallée,
Estimation quantitative du PGA sur la Côte d'Azur. 7ème Colloque National, Association Française du Génie Parasismique (AFPS), Ecole Centrale Paris, France, 2007. (Extended Abstract)
- Cruz-Atienza V.M., J. Virieux & H. Aochi,
Modélisation de la rupture dynamique par une méthode de différences finies pour des failles non-planaires. 7ème Colloque National, Association Française du Génie Parasismique (AFPS), Ecole Centrale Paris, France, 2007. (Extended Abstract)
- Cruz-Atienza V.M.,
J. Virieux, O. Sardou, S. Gaffet and M. Vallée,
Topographic and Bathymetric Effects on the Seismic Response of the Nice Bay Region, France. EOS Trans. American Geophysical Union , 87 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S41C-1349, 2006.
- Benjemaa M, N. Glinsky-Olivier, V.M. Cruz-Atienza, J. Virieux, S. Piperno, S. Lanteri, 2D and 3D no-planar dynamic rupture by a finite volume method. EOS Trans. American Geophysical Union , 87 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S41C-1344, 2006.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M., J. Virieux & H. Aochi, 3D nonplanar dynamic rupture in a heterogeneous medium: the pre-stress effect. Geophys. Res. Abs., V.8 (CDRom), 09594, European Geosciences Union , Vienna, Austria, 2006.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M., J. Virieux, H. Aochi & S. Peyrat, 3D non-planar Finite Difference Dynamic Rupture: Application to the Landers Earthquake. EOS Trans. American Geophysical Union , 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S32B-06, 2004. (Invited)
- Cruz-Atienza V.M ., J. Virieux, S. Peyrat & S. Operto, Nonplanar dynamic rupture in a 3D finite difference approach , Geophys. Res. Abs., V.6 (CDRom), 03948, European Geosciences Union , Nice, France , 2004.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M ., & J. Virieux, Nonplanar dynamic rupture in finite difference modeling, Workshop on Numerical Modeling of Earthquake Source Dynamics – NMESD , Smolenice, République Slovaque, 2003.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M. , J. Virieux & S. Operto, Dynamic Rupture Simulation of Bent Faults with a New Finite Difference Approach, Geophys. Res. Abs., V.5 (CDRom), 10614, European Geophysical Society – American Geophysical Union – European Union of Geosciences , Nice, France, 2003.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M ., J. Virieux & S. Operto, Dynamic Rupture Simulation of Bending Faults with a Finite Difference Approach, American Geophysical Union , Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2002.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M. , J.F. Pacheco, S.K. Singh & A. Iglesias-Mendoza. Velocity structure below the Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico , and near real time determination of its explosions size. Geophys. Res. Abs., V.3 (CDRom), European Geophysical Society , Nice, France, 2001.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M. , J.F. Pacheco, S.K. Singh, N.M. Shapiro, A. Iglesias-Mendoza & C. Valdés. Size of Popocatepetl volcano explosions from waveform inversion. Eos, Transactions, V.81, p. F903, American Geophysical Union , Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2000.
- Iglesias-Mendoza A., S.K. Singh, J.F. Pacheco, N.M. Shapiro, B. Hernández & V.M. Cruz-Atienza . Cinematic source inversion: recent normal-faulting earthquakes in Mexico . Eos, Transactions, V.81, p.p. F866, American Geophysical Union , Fall Meeting, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2000.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M. , J.F. Pacheco, S.K. Singh, N.M. Shapiro, C. Valdés & A. Iglesias-Mendoza. Análisis cuantitativo de formas de onda en el volcán Popocatépetl. Geos, V.20, p. 347. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) , Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 2000.
- A. Iglesias-Mendoza, S.K. Singh, J.F. Pacheco, N.M. Shapiro, B. Hernández & V.M. Cruz-Atienza . Recientes temblores intraplaca en México: inversión cinemática de la fuente sísmica a partir de datos locales y regionales. Geos, V.20, p. 346. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) , Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 2000.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M. , A. Iglesias-Mendoza, J.F. Pacheco & N.M. Shapiro. South-central Mexican crustal structure from receiver functions and surface wave dispersion using genetic and simulated annealing algorithms. Eos, Transactions, V.80, p. F720, American Geophysical Union , Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 1999.
- Ortiz-Alemán C., A. Iglesias-Mendoza, V.M. Cruz-Atienza , J.F. Pacheco & L.E. Pérez-Rocha. Inversion of site response at Mexico City by using genetic algorithms and simulated annealing. Eos, Transactions, V.80, p. F708, American Geophysical Union , Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 1999.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M. , J.F. Pacheco, N.M. Shapiro, S.K. Singh & A. Iglesias-Mendoza. La topografía y constitución del Moho bajo la Ciudad de México: un problema al alcance de las funciones de receptor. Geos, V.19, p. 280. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) , Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 1999.
- Iglesias-Mendoza A., V.M. Cruz-Atienza & C. Ortiz-Alemán. Método híbrido de optimación global, inspirado en la evolución natural de las especies y en la cristalización de sustancias inorgánicas: modelado inverso tridimensional de fuentes magnéticas. Geos, V.19, p. 265. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) , Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 1999.
- Shapiro N.M., S.K. Singh, A. Iglesias-Mendoza, V.M. Cruz-Atienza & J.F. Pacheco. El Popocarépetl, un volcán activo, reduce el riesgo sísmico en la Ciudad de México. Geos, V.19, p. 328. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) , Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 1999.
- Iglesias-Mendoza A., N.M. Shapiro & V.M. Cruz-Atienza . Inversión de curvas de dispersión de velocidad de grupo, observadas en dos trayectorias para el sur de México. Geos, V.19, p. 301. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) , Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 1999.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M. , J.F. Pacheco & D. Escobedo Z. Análisis de funciones de receptor en la parte centro-sur de la República Mexicana. Modelado inverso de las observaciones con Algoritmos Genéticos y Simulated Annealing: estimación de la estructura cortical. Geos, V.18, p. 282. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) , Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, 1998.
- Iglesias-Mendoza A., V.M. Cruz-Atienza & J.C. Ortiz-Alemán. Inversión global de sondeos eléctricos verticales con variación exponencial de la resistividad: Algoritmos Genéticos vs. Simulated Annealing. Geos, V.18, p. 253. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) , Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, 1998.
- Cruz-Atienza V.M. , J.L. Rodríguez-Zúñiga & A. Iglesias-Mendoza. Modelado inverso unidimensional de formas de onda telesísmicas con Algoritmos Genéticos: optimización del problema directo para funciones de receptor. Geos, V.17, p. 264. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) , Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, 1997
- Iglesias-Mendoza A., V.M. Cruz-Atienza & J.L. Rodríguez-Zúñiga. Inversión de datos geofísicos con Algoritmos Genéticos: curvas de dispersión y anomalías magnéticas. Geos, V.17, p. 213. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) , Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, 1997.
- Rodríguez-Zúñiga J.L., V.M. Cruz-Atienza & A. Iglesias-Mendoza. Estimación de la estructura cortical bajo la cuenca de México mediante inversión de funciones de receptor con Algoritmos Genéticos. Geos, V.17, p. 254. Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) , Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, 1997.