Dr. Ramiro Rodriguez Castillo
categoría Investigador Tit. “B”
Departamento de Recursos Naturales
Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM
Ciudad Universitaria. 04510 México, D.F.
Teléfono: +52 (55) 5622 4131/4133/4135

Fax: +52 (55) 5550 2486; 5622 4198
e-mail: rrdz@geofisica.unam.mx, ramiror@mexico.com


Formación académica

Disciplinas de Investigación

Publicaciones recientes (2000-2004)


Silva  G. T., Rodriguez R,  Ochoa S. and López S., 2002; Lake Chapala and the Cienega aquifer: Chemical evidences of  hydraulic communication. Geof. Internal. Vol 41, Num 1,  63-74 pp. México


Armienta A., Ongley L, Rodriguez R., Villaseñor G. and Mango H.,  2002; Response to Morse B (2001) on “The role of arsenic-bearing rocks in groundwater pollution at Zimapán Valley, México”. Environmental Geology 42 433-438 pp.


Ramos J. A. and Rodriguez R., 2003; Aquifer Vulnerability mapping in the Turbio River valley, Mexico: A validation study. Geof. Internal. Vol 42 num 1 pp. 141-156


Morse B., Pohll G., Huntington J. and Rodriguez C. R., 2003; Stochastic capture zone analysis of an arsenic-contaminated well using the generalized likelihood uncertaintly estimator (GLUE) methodology. Water Resources Research, Vol 39 Num 6, pp 1511-1560


Rodriguez R., Ramos A. and Armienta A., 2003; Groundwater arsenic variations: The role of local geology and rainfall. Applied Geochemistry vol 19 245-250pp






Academia de Ingenieria


International Association of Hydrogeologists, IAH