Born in Mexico City 1954.
Academic studies in UNAM: PhD in Geophysics (Physics of the Earth's Interior, 1991).
Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Toronto, (July 1992- June 1994).
st Sabbatical Year: Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, México DF (1999).
nd Sabbatical Year: University of Montpellier, France (2007).
Research goals: Paleomagnetism, archeomagnetism, rock and mineral magnetic properties, magnetic micro-nanoscopy, geophysical data interpretation & ore mineral deposit characterization.
He has 64 papers published in the SCI, 11 not in SCI, 4 in monograph and manuals, 7 extended abstracts, more than 200 meeting participations. Teach the course of Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism in the postgrade of Earth Sciences, Geophysics Institute, UNAM.
Supervisor of 8 undergraduate, 2 MSc and 2 PhD Thesis.
Member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences since 2002.
Titular Researcher "C".