Raúl Valenzuela

Publications and Presentations


Kostoglodov, Vladimir, Raúl W. Valenzuela, Alexei Gorbatov, Julio Mimiaga, Sara I. Franco, Javier A. Alvarado and Roberto Peláez, Deformation in the Guerrero seismic gap, Mexico, from leveling observations, J. Geodesy, 75, 19-32, 2001.

Valenzuela, Raúl W., Michael E. Wysession, Martha O. Neustadt and Jessica L. Butler, Lateral variations at the base of the mantle from profiles of digital Sdiff data, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 6201-6220, 2000.

Pacheco, Javier F., Carlos A. Mortera-Gutiérrez, Hugo Delgado, Shri K. Singh, Raúl W. Valenzuela, Nicolai M. Shapiro, Miguel A. Santoyo, Alejandro Hurtado, Ricardo Barrón and Esteban Gutiérrez-Moguel, Tectonic significance of an earthquake sequence in the Zacoalco half-graben, Jalisco, Mexico, J. South Am. Earth Sci., 12, 557-565, 1999.

Valenzuela, Raúl W., Seismic observation in Mexico, Bull. Int. Inst. Seism. Earthquake Eng., 32, 89-108, 1998.

Valenzuela, Raúl W. and Michael E. Wysession, Illuminating the base of the mantle with diffracted waves, in The core-mantle boundary region, Geodynamics Ser., 28, edited by Michael Gurnis, Michael E. Wysession, Elise Knittle and Bruce A. Buffett, 57-71, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C., 1998.

Wysession, Michael E., Karen M. Fischer, Timothy J. Clarke, Ghassan I. Al-eqabi, Matt J. Fouch, Patrick J. Shore, Raúl W. Valenzuela, Aibing Li and Julia M. Zaslow, Slicing into the Earth, Eos Trans. AGU, 77, 477, 480-482, 1996.

Fischer, Karen M., Michael E. Wysession, Timothy J. Clarke, Matthew J. Fouch, Ghassan I. Al-Eqabi, Patrick J. Shore, Raúl W. Valenzuela, Aibing Li and Julia M. Zaslow, The 1995-1996 Missouri to Massachusetts broadband seismometer deployment, IRIS Newsletter, XV (2), 6-9, 1996.

Wysession, Michael E., Raúl W. Valenzuela, An-Ning Zhu, and Lilla Bartkó , Investigating the base of the mantle using differential travel times, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 92, 67-84, 1995.

Valenzuela, Raúl W. and Michael E. Wysession, Intraplate earthquakes in the southwest Pacific Ocean basin and the seismotectonics of the southern Tasman Sea, Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 2467-2470, 1993.

Valenzuela, Raúl W. and R. T. Brundage, Fluorescence study of trivalent americium in fluorozirconate glass, J. Chem. Phys., 93, 8469-8473, 1990.


Lateral and radial velocity structure at the base of the mantle from diffracted shear waves.
Ph. D. thesis, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, 1996.


Valenzuela Wong, Raúl, Jeremías Basurto García and José Antonio Lozada Pérez, Mediciones de la anisotropía debajo de México usando ondas SKS y SKKS, Geos Boletín Informativo de la UGM, 21 (3), 299, 2001, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Valenzuela, Raúl W., Upper mantle structure under Mexico from SKS and SKKS anisotropy measurements, Eos Trans. AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meeting Suppl., F862, 2000. San Francisco, California.

Kostoglodov, Vladimir, Raúl W. Valenzuela, Alexei Gorbatov, Julio Mimiaga, Sara I. Franco, Javier A. Alvarado and Roberto Peláez, Interseismic uplift in the Guerrero seismic gap, Mexico, from leveling observations, Geos Boletín Informativo de la UGM, 19 (4), 286, 1999, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Valenzuela, Raúl W. and Michael E. Wysession, Differential travel times of Sdiff, SKS and SKKS phases beneath the Pacific Ocean, Eos Trans. AGU, 79 (45), Fall Meeting Suppl., F617, 1998. San Francisco, California.

Kostoglodov, Vladimir, Alexei Gorbatov, Julio Mimiaga, Raúl Valenzuela, Roberto Peláez, Sara I. Franco and J. Andrés Alvarado, Interseismic uplift in the Guerrero seismic gap, Mexico, Geos Boletín Informativo de la UGM, 18 (4), 288, 1998, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Valenzuela, Raúl W. and Michael E. Wysession, Lateral and radial velocity structure of the lowermost mantle from diffracted shear waves, Ocean Hemisphere Project's International Symposium on New images of the Earth's interior through long-term ocean-floor observations, 1997. Kazusa Akademia Center, Chiba Prefecture, Japan.

Valenzuela, Raúl W., Michael E. Wysession, Ghassan Al-eqabi, Patrick J. Shore, Karen M. Fischer and Timothy J. Clarke, Using diffracted waves from the Missouri-to- Massachusetts IRIS PASSCAL array to examine the core-mantle boundary, Eos Trans. AGU, 77 (46), Fall Meeting Suppl., F678, 1996b. San Francisco, California.

Valenzuela, Raúl W., Michael E. Wysession, Ghassan Al-eqabi, Patrick J. Shore, Timothy J. Clarke and Karen M. Fischer, Determination of lateral and radial velocity structure of the base of the mantle from diffracted waves recorded using the Missouri-to-Massachusetts IRIS PASSCAL array, Eos Trans. AGU, 77 (17), Spring Meeting Suppl., S178, 1996a. Baltimore, Maryland.

Wysession, Michael E., Keith Koper, Raúl Valenzuela, and Brian Hicks, Using IRIS PASSCAL broadband data to model CMB structure, IUGG XXI General Assembly. 1995. Boulder, Colorado.

Valenzuela, R. W., M. E. Wysession and T. J. Owens, The velocity gradient at the base of the mantle from broadband diffracted shear waves, Eos Trans. AGU, 75 (44), Fall Meeting Suppl., 664, 1994. San Francisco, California.

Listing last updated: April 25, 2002.